We like to brew our cafetiere in a similar way to cupping a coffee. We would suggest you try the method below also in order to experience the coffee in the best way, to get the full flavour of the beans.
- Cupping Spoons/Tablespoons
- Cafetiere
- Roasted Coffee
- Grinder (or pre-ground coffee)
- Digital Scales (0.1g accurate if possible)
- Kettle
- Filtered Water (Between 92.2 ̊c and 94.4 ̊c)
- Grab your coffee and weigh out what you need (I work with 60 grams per litre). My cafetiere at home is 500ml so I use 30 grams of coffee
- Get your kettle on the boil
- Grind your beans to a coarse grind size (similar to sea salt)
- Add the ground coffee to the cafetiere
- Add your water from the kettle (after it’s boiled, leave for 30 seconds to reduce the temperature) and make sure you get all the coffee wet
- Leave it for 4 minutes to brew
- Push the coffee crust down with a spoon
- Clean any of the foam off the top of the cafetiere and plunge it to halfway
- Pour and enjoy :)